Last year around this time, SEBI had come out with standardised categories for funds to follow. That meant existing funds also had to fit into one of the categories. With…Continue Reading
It has been a year since the SEBI-mandated categorization exercise first began. The dust from the changes made by AMCs has since settled and there is more clarity now on…Continue Reading
Amidst all the risks that transpired in the debt space, in the last 6 months, Axis Banking & PSU Debt was among the few funds that remained steady and unhurt…Continue Reading
Last week, we wrote on liquid fund returns and how the high returns of 2018 have begun sliding. This trend is both on account of an abnormal credit situation easing…Continue Reading
Mirae Asset India Equity is among the steadiest equity funds. It beats the broad-market Nifty 500 TRI index all the time in any 3-year period since its inception. The average…Continue Reading
Liquid funds sported high returns through 2018, thanks to higher interest rates and bond yields and a liquidity crunch in the later part of the year. But returns for these…Continue Reading
DSP Equity Opportunities fund has traditionally been a volatile, opportunistic fund that can swing either way, heavily, in the short term. This large & midcap equity fund had one such…Continue Reading
Large-and-midcap funds play a unique role in a portfolio. They straddle the middle ground between midcap funds and multicap funds. In this category, Invesco India Growth Opportunities is a good…Continue Reading
On a 1-year basis, hybrid aggressive funds are in the low single digits at just 1.2% on an average. Not just that, the category was clocking 1-year losses in preceding…Continue Reading
From the peak in January 2018, midcap stocks have been on a downward slide. The Nifty Midcap 100 TRI lost 17.7% from then till date. 4 in every 10 midcap…Continue Reading