
Tags: Mutual funds

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FundsIndia reviews: Tata Equity Opportunities

Bhavana Acharya

Like its name suggests, Tata Equity Opportunities looks for stocks that are undervalued relative to their potential. They may be so because they are yet unnoticed by the market, or…Continue Reading

Investing lessons from Game of Thrones

Akash Kapur

Investing lessons are all around us. You just need to pay enough attention to notice them. We think that ‘Game of Thrones’ – the revolutionary TV and book series that…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: ICICI Pru Exports and Other Services Fund

Vidya Bala

There are some funds in the mutual fund universe whose super-normal returns can be intriguing. ICICI Pru Exports and Other Services Fund is one of them. With an annualised return…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What is compounding?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

When anyone talks about investing, they say “Don’t work for money. Make money work for you”. And how does money work for you? It’s through compounding. What is it? Let’s…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: Franklin India Flexi Cap Fund

Bhavana Acharya

Franklin India Flexi Cap is a fund that is often overlooked in the multi-cap category. In the five-year period, the fund has returned 12.3 per cent, compared to the category’s…Continue Reading

Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds

Mutual Fund Research Desk

For those of you new to our platform, our Select Funds is a list of investment worthy funds. Spread across categories, this list helps you narrow down your investment choices…Continue Reading

How a SIP works more for you than an EMI

Lakshmeenarasimhan S

Buying a house means long-term commitment by way of EMI. The EMI amount is not small by any means, either. But that has never been a deterrent for most of…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategy: The time to invest more and where to invest

Vidya Bala

In early September last year, we suggested that the next six months could be a good time to average (to see the detailed article, please click here). We came up…Continue Reading

Market risk: The best thing for your investments

Noorain Mohammed Nadim

“Mutual fund investments are subject to market risks. Please read the scheme information document carefully before investing.” • Have you ever climbed a mountain, sky-dived, or scuba-dived into the ocean?…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What is benchmark?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Do you remember back in school, when you went back to your parents with your exam results? If it was a particularly hard paper and you scored 60%, your first…Continue Reading