
Tags: Mutual funds

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What will happen to markets? Your maths teacher has the answer..

Arun Kumar

At a time when most of us are worried about our health and safety, the equity markets are not making it any easier for us. All of us are worried…Continue Reading

6 reasons why you shouldn’t exit now

Arun Kumar

Should we press the ‘exit’ button? Most of us at this juncture, will have a narrative similar to this running in our minds.. Coronavirus is dangerous and it’s spreading across…Continue Reading

Things under our control

Arun Kumar

The last few weeks have been pretty tough for most of us. At the current juncture, while ‘Be Patient’ remains the best time-tested advice, let us be honest. This is…Continue Reading

What should you do with your SIP?

Maulik Madhu

The past few weeks have been tough for investors globally and in India. Equity markets are down close to 25% from their recent highs. The gradual decline in the markets…Continue Reading

This Happens!

Arun Kumar

Sometimes we forget the simple truth. THIS HAPPENS! Markets go down. In fact a lot of times. Let me clarify… Markets go up, and then they go down. Over time…Continue Reading

Monthly Market Insight – February 2020

Mutual Fund Research Desk

The February 2020 edition of FundsIndia’s Monthly Market Insight discusses an unusual portfolio approach to deal with Coronavirus and the position at which the Sensex would be in ten years. Consumer…Continue Reading

Things No One Tells You About ‘Exit Now and Enter Later’

Arun Kumar

Eavesdropping on your mind-voice during a market decline Whenever equity markets decline, there is usually some bad news attached to it.  Intuitively, the first instinct is to extrapolate the bad…Continue Reading

An Unusual Portfolio Approach to Deal with Coronavirus

Arun Kumar

What happened? In the last few days, global equity markets have fallen sharply on concerns of coronavirus, a respiratory illness first identified in Wuhan, China, and spreading globally.  The market…Continue Reading

IDFC Sterling Value Fund

An underrated fund at the helm of a veteran fund manager

Arun Kumar

Not so great recent performance… Intuitively most of us like to buy a fund with a strong recent performance or high star rating (which is significantly influenced by strong recent…Continue Reading

Sensex at 1 lakh!

Arun Kumar

Usually, this genre of headlines gets extremely popular during the final phase of a bull market before it eventually fizzles out. And in later years, this normally becomes part of…Continue Reading