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Stock Screener | Zero Debt Stocks – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

The screener is based on the companies with literally zero debt on their balance sheet and a strong average Return on Equity. Zero debt companies are generally strong in fundamentals…Continue Reading

Alpha | Titan Company Ltd. – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Titan Company Ltd. – Three Decade Old Company Titan Company Ltd is among India’s most respected lifestyle companies. Titan Company Limited (Titan), formerly Titan Industries Limited, was incorporated in 1984…Continue Reading

Stock Screener | Consistent Compounders – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Consistent compounders are the stocks that mostly outperformed the market in a consistent way rather than a one-time show. In short, the stocks which have provided an excellent share price…Continue Reading

Alpha | Dabur India Ltd. – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Dabur India Ltd. – An Ayurvedic FMCG Company Dabur was established by Dr. S K Burman in 1884 in Kolkata. Incorporated in 1936, the company operates in key consumer product…Continue Reading

Alpha | Sumitomo Chemicals Ltd. – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Sumitomo Chemicals India Ltd. – Strong Parentage Sumitomo Chemical India Ltd. (SCIL) is a subsidiary of Sumitomo Chemical Company Ltd. (SCCL), Japan, which is a diversified global chemical company. SCIL…Continue Reading

Stock Screener | Beaten Down Stocks – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Beaten Down Stocks Buying a fundamentally strong stock in a beaten down state is a strategy as old as the stock market. Hunting for stocks at attractive valuations in the…Continue Reading

Alpha | Easy Trip Planners Ltd. – Equity Research Desk

Equities Desk

Easy Trip Planners Ltd. – Revenge Tourism Is On Incorporated in 2008, Easy Trip Planners or (EMT) was founded as a B2B2C portal providing travel agents access to its…Continue Reading