
Category: Mutual Fund Basics

Fundamentals and key attributes of Mutual Funds as well as the industry at large


Children’s education – when parents aspire without a plan

Vidya Bala

When I met some of my school teachers in a reunion, one of our teachers commented on how parents’ view on education has changed over years. If the debate was…Continue Reading

Outdated financial advice parents should avoid giving

Vidya Bala

Several of the 50 year-plus investors I know are eager to initiate their millennial children into investing as soon as possible. In their eagerness, they help their children with the…Continue Reading

Your investment options

Mutual Fund Research Desk

When you first start out to plan your finances, it is likely that you are overwhelmed with the options there are. There are a number of instruments that will help…Continue Reading

Why looking at 1-year returns can misguide you

Ashwini Arulrajhan

Whenever you are looking for funds to invest and look at the performance screen of a fund, the 1-year returns is the number that registers and also influences decision.  There…Continue Reading

Frequently asked questions on annual portfolio review

Vidya Bala

It’s that time of the year when you will look back at performance and have questions about your portfolio – specifically underperformance in your funds. In years like 2018 when…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Explains – What is an SIP? What is it not?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

With over Rs 7,000 crore coming in each month, the SIP has become a byword for investing. But popular as it may be, the concept of it – what is…Continue Reading

Five tips for investing in the new year

Mutual Fund Research Desk

This new year, you may have made up your mind to save more or limit your impulsive splurge. And that’s a great resolution to make! We’re not going to tell…Continue Reading

Is the market correction good enough?

Why your returns are not the same as the market’s return

Vidya Bala

In an investor-gathering addressed by a renowned fund manager, a presentation on the returns delivered by equities over several years was put up. One of the investors asked him, “you…Continue Reading

You are different and so are your needs

Ashwini Arulrajhan

How many of you want to wear the same clothes as your friends or neighbours? Not only is your size and fit different, your taste too will likely be different.…Continue Reading

The lazy investor wins the race

Gourav Kumar

At every turn in your life, you may find yourself being goaded to work harder. It is said that hard work and diligence is the only way to reach your…Continue Reading