
Arbitrage Funds – Look Before You Leap

Maulik Madhu

Arbitrage funds have seen some revival in investor interest in recent times. Most often these funds have been pitched to investors as an alternative to debt funds for parking short-term…Continue Reading

A stimulus for ‘Survival’ and not ‘Revival’!

Maulik Madhu

Surpassing expectations, the Prime Minister announced a Rs. 20 lakh crore stimulus package this week. Then came the details.  While the package (two tranches so far) has offered relief to…Continue Reading

Up, Up Goes the Market, All Else Goes Down

Maulik Madhu

We live in difficult times. What started as a medical crisis, spread to the real economy and the financial markets too. That hasn’t happened before. This is where we stand…Continue Reading

A Tale of Two Indices – Nasdaq 100 vs S&P 500

Maulik Madhu

In a recent blog ‘This is where Warren Buffett wants his money to be invested….‘, we talked about how the S&P 500 Index is a good investment option if you…Continue Reading

Waiting for the Bottom?

Maulik Madhu

Stock markets world over are going through turbulent times. It’s hard to predict where the markets are headed in the coming days let alone in the next few weeks.  We…Continue Reading

My SIP Returns are dismal – What should I do?

Maulik Madhu

The last few weeks have been disheartening for equity market investors. Waiting for 5 long years only to see dismal returns from their equity SIPs is not what long-term investors…Continue Reading

What should you do with your SIP?

Maulik Madhu

The past few weeks have been tough for investors globally and in India. Equity markets are down close to 25% from their recent highs. The gradual decline in the markets…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Archives: Top Blog Posts of 2019

FundsIndia Desk

‘FundsIndia Archives’ is a series where we put together the blog posts that all of you’ve enjoyed reading over the years under popular and specific topics. Missed out on some…Continue Reading

Top blogs on SIPs

FundsIndia Archives: Top blogs on SIPs

FundsIndia Desk

‘FundsIndia Archives’ is a series where we put together the blogs that all of you’ve enjoyed reading over the years under popular and specific topics. We have compiled a list…Continue Reading

Dont stop your SIPs

Why you shouldn’t stop your SIPs (or any investments)

Ranganayaki R

Are you one among many that have always wanted to make regular investments and gear up towards building wealth for the future?  So you garner the courage to put together…Continue Reading

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