
Category: Research Desk


Can Past Performance Help You Build The Best Equity Fund Portfolio For The Future?

Shrinath M L

Given a choice, we would prefer to have the best in everything – buy the best car, get the best job, eat the best food, watch the best content… you…Continue Reading

Got Your Salary Hike And Bonus? Here Are 2 Saving Hacks Before You Go On A Spending Spree

Jiral Mehta

June is finally here, and most of us are either eagerly anticipating or have already received our salary increases and bonuses. The obvious next question is  – “What do you…Continue Reading

What does a 2,500-year old Chinese text teach us about preparing for market crashes?

Shrinath M L

This article was originally published in The Times of India. Click here to read it. There is a fascinating saying in the 2,500 year old Chinese text ‘The Art of War’ authored…Continue Reading

What happens when you keep booking profits in your portfolio?

Shrinath M L

The Indian markets have more than doubled from the bottom levels reached during the Covid crisis in March-20. Given the high recent returns, there is a natural temptation to book…Continue Reading

Statutory Warning: Market Crash Predictions are Injurious to Your Portfolio

Arun Kumar

This article was originally published in LiveMint. Click here to read it. A young Captain fell into a well by mistake. His soldiers who saw this immediately came to his rescue. They…Continue Reading

Should I Exit Equities Now and Enter Back Later at Lower Levels?

Shrinath M L

There is a lot going on in the world – crude oil price volatility, Fed rate hikes, global inflation concerns, surge in commodity prices, Covid outbreak in China etc. And…Continue Reading

Russia-Ukraine Crisis: What should you do?

Arun Kumar

What happened? Why has the market declined? Here are some of the factors that have impacted the Indian markets recently Russia-Ukraine conflict Brent Oil has crossed 100 USD/Barrel – first…Continue Reading

Six Questions to ask yourself before investing in Sectoral and Thematic Funds

Shrinath M L

In recent times, we have received a lot of queries on Sectoral and Thematic Funds. The growing interest in the category is also reflected in its net inflows. Sectoral/Thematic category…Continue Reading

A Counterintuitive Investing Lesson from A Prisoner of War

Arun Kumar

This article was originally published in LiveMint. Click here to read it. Jim Collins in his best-selling book ‘Good to Great’, shares an interesting counter-intuitive insight which he refers to as ‘The…Continue Reading

India Budget FY23: Pro-Growth Budget With Focus On Capital Expenditure

Arun Kumar

A budget focused on investment led growth with higher spending on capital expenditure and no major surprises or shocks.  Key Highlights 1. Significant Focus on Capex Higher than expected increase…Continue Reading