
Category: Mutual Fund Basics

Fundamentals and key attributes of Mutual Funds as well as the industry at large


Equity Markets – What Next?

Arun Kumar

Setting Reasonable Return Expectations Every day, when I start from my home to office (a routine which I badly miss in the new “work from home” life), I roughly know…Continue Reading

7 Brutally Honest Questions That Answer Your Equity Exposure Dilemma

Arun Kumar

The question everyone wants an answer for… You have often heard about the adage “Buy Low – Sell High”. Now that markets are at an all-time high, shouldn’t you SELL…Continue Reading

This Happens!

Arun Kumar

Sometimes we forget the simple truth. THIS HAPPENS! Markets go down. In fact a lot of times. Let me clarify… Markets go up, and then they go down. Over time…Continue Reading

Things No One Tells You About ‘Exit Now and Enter Later’

Arun Kumar

Eavesdropping on your mind-voice during a market decline Whenever equity markets decline, there is usually some bad news attached to it.  Intuitively, the first instinct is to extrapolate the bad…Continue Reading

Sensex at 1 lakh!

Arun Kumar

Usually, this genre of headlines gets extremely popular during the final phase of a bull market before it eventually fizzles out. And in later years, this normally becomes part of…Continue Reading

Monthly Dividend Plans

What no one tells you about Monthly Dividend Plans

Maulik Madhu

MF Monthly Dividend Plans are sometimes sold to investors on the pitch that they will offer almost 1% ‘return’ in the form of dividend payouts every month. That is, a…Continue Reading

Budget 2020-21

India Budget 2020-21 – Conservative and Incremental

Arun Kumar

Given the context of an economic slowdown, expectations were high for strong growth measures to revive the economy. The budget was predominantly ‘incremental’ in nature sticking to a fiscally conservative…Continue Reading

recent events

The world is confused about who will blink first, if at all they do!!

Anant Kavuri

The turn of events in the last few days has come as a surprise to many market watchers. While some are still wondering about what the future holds for their…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Features: SIP Calculator

Anirban Chakraborty

Mutual Fund investments can be made in an organized, regular fashion through Systematic Investment Plans (SIPs). It lets you invest a particular amount of money at periodic intervals (usually monthly).…Continue Reading

Emergency funds

How to save yourself from a financial calamity?

Ranganayaki R

Let’s imagine a situation. You are the breadwinner of your family. You are currently out on a much-needed, long-awaited vacation – a luxury for your family you saved up for.…Continue Reading