
Tags: Mutual fund

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The importance of investing on a fixed date

Akash Kapur

Irrespective of whether you’re a person who lives by a clockwork schedule or someone who likes to plan things on the go, there are some things that run on a…Continue Reading


Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds list

Mutual Fund Research Desk

FundsIndia’s Select Funds is a list of funds that you can invest in today. Spread across categories, this list helps narrow down investment choices from the hundreds of funds that…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: Mirae Asset India Opportunities

Bhavana Acharya

Open a FREE Account Now! A portfolio tilted towards large-cap stocks, returns that beat the benchmark and peers across every market cycle, and a focus on quality and valuations make…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Views: There’s more to the market than UP elections

Vidya Bala

The BJP’s win in the UP elections provided a leg up to the market for couple of reasons: one, it reposed the faith in the policy reforms of the government…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Views: What should be your time frame and return expectation with equity funds?

Vidya Bala

Most of you, when you started investing with us, would have heard your FundsIndia advisor tell you that equity funds are not meant for the short term. We say this…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: Tata Balanced Fund

Bhavana Acharya

Ranking the one-year returns of balanced funds will not have Tata Balanced in the top quartile. Yet, the fund remains among the best in its category, with a solid long-term…Continue Reading

Can a debt fund deliver losses?

Bhavana Acharya

In a word, yes. A debt fund can deliver losses. You would have noticed it last week, when you saw your one-day return in the red. Why does this happen?…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: DSP BlackRock Income Opportunities

Bhavana Acharya

At a time when rates have dropped and are expected to drop further, investing in an income fund may seem incongruent. But it is a good move for many reasons.…Continue Reading

This time, next year – will your financial plan be any different?

Aparna Hari

Resolutions are passé, say some. Resolutions changed my life, believe a few. Resolutions are meant to be broken, smirk others. Whichever category you belong to, there are a few resolutions…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: ICICI Prudential Long Term Plan

Bhavana Acharya

Among dynamic bond funds, ICICI Prudential Long Term Plan ranks at the very top in the one, two, and three-year timeframes. Its one-year return of 17.3% leaves the category’s average…Continue Reading