If you are worrying about falling interest rates leaving you with no fixed income options, you are right – if your only fixed income option is bank Fixed Deposits (FDs).…Continue Reading
In any conventional household, the ‘man of the house’ manages the savings of the house. Even if the wife contributes to the income of the household, she rarely participates in…Continue Reading
I am happy and proud to announce the launch of the FundsIndia Advisory Review Board (ARB), a mechanism by which FundsIndia’s customers can seek a review and a second-opinion about…Continue Reading
Women are better investors than men. Period. Study after study has vouched the accuracy of this statement, and survey after survey does well to drive home the point. But here’s…Continue Reading
Do you share your investment details with your spouse? Does your spouse share investment details with you? If your answer to any of these questions is ‘no’, then you might…Continue Reading
I am afraid I have to start on a gloomy note here to drive home the point. A few years ago, a friend’s sister suddenly lost her husband. Left in…Continue Reading
‘Resolution’ – I don’t particularly savour the term. It gives me a sense of requiring some steely determination to do something forcibly, and often, it makes me feel like it…Continue Reading
When we talk to you, our investors, there is one thing we know for sure. You are all earnest in your attempt to save for your kid’s future. You dream…Continue Reading
Fear and rationality are often thrown with reckless abandon in equity market rallies. 2003-07 did see investors do this; but they paid quite a heavy price in the ensuing fall.…Continue Reading
With equity markets scaling new peaks, those of you who are already invested in equity funds, or are new to equities, may be thrilled. Thanks to the move, you may…Continue Reading