
FundsIndia’s First Investor Meet – A Memorable Evening

July 31, 2013 . FundsIndia Desk

FundsIndia had held its first ever investor meet in Chennai on the 27th of July, 2013. The predominant factor that encouraged us to organize this event was to meet and greet our customers in the city. Besides this, we also wanted to raise awareness on current market trends and investment opportunities, and answer any queries that our customers may have pertaining to their investments, portfolios, taxes and so on. We had also set up a ‘FundsIndia Kiosk’ to enable the submission of any pending registration/investment documents or to get KYC registration done on-the-spot.

It makes us really glad to say that our investor meet was graced by some of the most respectable names in the fields of finance and investments in the city. Aarati Krishnan, the Deputy Editor of The Hindu Business Line, gave an informative and interactive presentation on ‘Rising risk and how to manage it’. This was followed by a discussion by Mr. V. Pattabhi Ram on the common mistakes committed by investors in the marketplace. Both these sessions highlighted many pertinent points that would help investors invest prudently in today’s markets.

We would like to thank all our customers in the city for attending the investor meet and extending their support to us. You all made a really lively and interactive audience! As for those of you who could not attend the investor meet as you resided out of Chennai, fret not! Soon, we will be holding similar events at venues near you!

Watch this space for more updates!

22 thoughts on “FundsIndia’s First Investor Meet – A Memorable Evening

    1. Hello sir,

      Sorry about that. We sent emails to every body in our database with a Chennai address, and we posted to our FaceBook page quite a few times. We did not do any advertising, but we did notify a lot of people.


      1. Probably, you guys would have notified all the people in your database. As some of the investors who resides nearby chennai may plan to come to the event or other investors (resides in other parts of the country) who have plans to be in chennai during the event time.

        So better notify all the people in your database, not only to chennai address.

    1. Hello sir,

      Sorry about that. We sent emails to every body in our database with a Chennai address, and we posted to our FaceBook page quite a few times. We did not do any advertising, but we did notify a lot of people.


      1. Probably, you guys would have notified all the people in your database. As some of the investors who resides nearby chennai may plan to come to the event or other investors (resides in other parts of the country) who have plans to be in chennai during the event time.

        So better notify all the people in your database, not only to chennai address.

  1. I was not able to attend due to work commitements that weekend. Looking forward to the next one.

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