
Category: Personal Finance

Tips and suggestions on managing your finances and investments better


Lessons from the gym can make you rich!

Shweta Nichani

Health is wealth, isn’t it? The fitter you are in mind, body and soul, the happier you live. It’s hard not to agree with that. What’s interesting is that, there…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Explains: Section 80 C investments

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Reducing taxes is at the forefront of our minds. Section 80 C plays the most important role in our tax-saving efforts. The list of deductions allowed under Section 80C is…Continue Reading

Give your salary the power of 5!

Aparna Hari

It is the most awaited SMS of the month, the one that immediately brings a smile on your face. You know what I am talking about. The harbinger of good…Continue Reading

Top 5 Diwali time investments with FundsIndia

Top 5 Investments To Make This Diwali

Srilekha Veena Sankaran

Crackers, lights, new clothes, sweets, friends, family, joy – we sure know that Diwali is here! With the festive season catching up fast and the exuberance dawning on us, there…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Debt Strategies: Should you play the duration game now?

Vidya Bala

We’ve also talked about the rate cut on this week’s episode of Talk FundsIndia. Play our podcast below to listen in as Srikanth Meenakshi, our COO, and Vidya, talk about…Continue Reading


Talk FundsIndia: Real estate – myths and more

FundsIndia Desk

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Real estate is another rather popular investment option in India. It is often perceived as safe and reliable, and many speak of the…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategy: Where to invest your pay hike

Vidya Bala

For those of you who are beneficiaries of the 7th Pay Commission hike or any other pay hike, it’s important that you plan your spending and investing. You may not…Continue Reading

From gains to wealth

Aparna Hari

The recent announcement of the 7th Pay commission brought smiles to many Central Government employees as their pensions and salaries were bumped up considerably. Congratulations if you are one among…Continue Reading

SIP – The winning recipe to build wealth

Srilekha Veena Sankaran

“Being rich is having money; being wealthy is having time” – Margaret Bonnano More often than not, we tend to believe that building wealth is stocking up cash inside a…Continue Reading


Talk FundsIndia: On fixed deposits – pros, cons and suitability

FundsIndia Desk

[soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Welcome to the first episode of Talk FundsIndia – our new fortnightly podcast. Hosted by Nilakantan Rajaraman, Data Scientist and podcast host at…Continue Reading