
Category: Mutual Fund Research

Observations, recommendations and insights, straight from our Mutual Fund Research Desk


FundsIndia Recommends: Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity

Vidya Bala

On the front line for over a decade Birla Sun Life Frontline Equity is among the handful of equity funds with over a decade’s track record. While quite a few…Continue Reading

Free personal accident insurance cover with HDFC Children’s Gift Fund

Vidya Bala

If you’re saving for your child’s future, a personal accident insurance cover would be a prudent way to provide a back up for your financial commitments, in case of unforeseen…Continue Reading

Capital Gains report – new and improved

Srikanth Meenakshi

Right in time for the tax-filing season, we have launched the newly redesigned capital gains report for FundsIndia mutual fund investors. Account holders can get access to it right now…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: ING Active Debt Multi-Manager FoF

Vidya Bala

A ready-made debt fund basket The last few years have demonstrated that the Indian debt market has become more volatile and less predictable. Return opportunities of course, have risen along…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: Franklin India Prima Plus

Vidya Bala

Dependable quality, old world charm Franklin India Prima Plus belongs to the old school of investing – steady and consistent in its performance. If you are the kind scouting for…Continue Reading

The CRISIL-AMFI mutual fund performance index says it all

Vidya Bala

No number crunching this week from me! We have some ready-to-crunch data offered by CRISIL-AMFI on mutual fund performance. For all those mutual fund investment skeptics, the recently launched CRISIL-AMFI…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: SBI Magnum Global

Vidya Bala

Redeeming performance If you have been associated with the world of mutual funds for more than a decade, chances are that you would have had some tryst with SBI Magnum…Continue Reading


How FundsIndia Provides Advice

Srikanth Meenakshi

From day 1 of launching’s investment services, we have been providing advice to our investors without charging for it. Over the years, what has evolved is HOW we have…Continue Reading

Buying low and selling high made possible

Vidya Bala

I am certainly not claiming you can time the markets when I say buy low and sell high. But then, you can book profits in inflated assets and buy more…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: What the ‘rate cut pause’ means to you

Vidya Bala

As expected by most, the Reserve Bank of India did not cut policy rates in its monetary policy meet held on Monday June 17. Now, for an investor, this may…Continue Reading