
Category: Mutual Fund Basics

Fundamentals and key attributes of Mutual Funds as well as the industry at large


FundsIndia explains: Contingency fund and its importance

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Your EMI is well within your capacity, you have no difficulty in meeting recurring expenses, and you even have a monthly surplus that you’re investing. Isn’t that a great position…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Explains: What is an STP?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

As the market touches new heights every week, people are rushing to put their money into mutual funds. It is important to sound a note of caution here. If you…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What are absolute returns

Mutual Fund Research Desk

“My investment in that Bombay house grew to Rs.85 lakhs from when I bought it back in 2000 for just Rs.25 lakhs. My investment has tripled!” That’s a declaration that…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: what to do when your scheme merges

Mutual Fund Research Desk

In the wake of SEBI’s recent proposal to categorise mutual funds and rationalise the number of funds there are, scheme mergers are inevitable. So what happens when a scheme you…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: Accrual and duration in debt funds

Mutual Fund Research Desk

If you read our articles that talk about debt funds, you would find a mention of the terms accrual or duration, or both. These terms are the strategies debt funds…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Explains: Rolling Returns – What is it and how it is used

Mutual Fund Research Desk

When we analyse funds, rolling return is one of the key metrics we look at. You would have noticed it in most of our fund reviews and recommendations. Read on…Continue Reading

What to do with your fund when a correction happens

Mutual Fund Research Desk

In recent times, stock markets have given us enough reasons to worry. First, there was the blistering run in July when indices hit all-time highs. Then there was concern of…Continue Reading

FDs are not as risk free as you think

Gourav Kumar

SBI, Bank of Baroda and more recently Axis Bank cut their savings bank rate to 3.5%. This may mean that the already low FD rates may also dip further. Most…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What is portfolio concentration?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Portfolio concentration is a term you would have come across in our fund reviews. We would have said that a portfolio is diffused across stocks, or, that the top ten…Continue Reading

Simple rules to make your portfolio work better

Mutual Fund Research Desk

If you are following your money resolution for the year, keep up the tempo! We would like you to add a few more resolutions – if they are already not…Continue Reading