As per the SEBI guidelines, all investors who registered their accounts using Aadhar as an address proof are required to validate their KYC details for continual and uninterrupted transactions. Therefore, we request you to validate your KYC (email and mobile number) via our partnered KRA (CDSL Ventures Ltd) on or before 22nd May 2023 using the link provided below failing to which restriction will be imposed on redemption and further investments.
In case of your registered mobile number and email id with CDSL Ventures Ltd. needs updation, you can fill out the form given below and send us a copy of the form with a self-attested PAN and Aadhar copy to our address mentioned below.
Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd.
3rd Floor, Uttam Building,
No. 38 and 39, Whites Road,
Chennai – 600014,
Tamil Nadu.