You know there are balanced funds, which invest mostly in equity and some in debt. You know there are MIPs, which invest mostly in debt and some in equity. You…Continue Reading
Does your fund change its stocks frequently? Or does it sell a lot to book profits or buy more on dips? How do you gauge these? Portfolio turnover reveals this.…Continue Reading
“Should I go for growth option or take out the dividends in my fund?” – is a question frequently asked by many of you, when venturing into mutual fund investments.…Continue Reading
When we look to invest in mutual funds, we come across various options for a single fund such as growth, dividend payout and dividend reinvestment. Many investors want to know…Continue Reading
What’s the difference between HDFC Nifty ETF and HDFC Index Nifty? Well, the first is an ETF and the second is a mutual fund. They both have the same purpose…Continue Reading
When we look at some of the mutual fund factsheets or market presentations or listen to a fund manager speak, we often come across the term Overweight/Underweight a sector or…Continue Reading
If you’re a savvy shopper, you wait for discount seasons during the year to buy that new television, phone, fancy shoes or clothes. You get the same good performance or…Continue Reading
FundsIndia’s Select Funds is a list of investment worthy funds. Spread across categories, this list helps you narrow down your investment choices from the hundreds of funds that you would…Continue Reading
Some time ago, we looked at what compounding is all about and how your money multiplies under compounding . When money compounds over several years, the finance world use a…Continue Reading
Any day is a good day for investing in a mutual fund. And whenever you invest, you need your fund to deliver well – i.e., generate returns better than the…Continue Reading