
Author Archive | Mutual Fund Research Desk

FundsIndia Explains: What is a factsheet?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

As a mutual fund investor, you would like to get comprehensive information on your fund. A single document provides this information for you – the factsheet. What is it? A…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What is benchmark?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Do you remember back in school, when you went back to your parents with your exam results? If it was a particularly hard paper and you scored 60%, your first…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What is NAV?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Ever wondered what all that jargon in fund factsheets or application forms or articles on investments mean? To make it easier to understand the world of investing, we are starting…Continue Reading

The importance of retirement planning

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Ashok Kanawala, Head – Products and Business Development, HDFC Asset Management, explains why planning for retirement has been relegated to the back burner for most individuals, and how to get…Continue Reading

Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds List

Mutual Fund Research Desk

For those of you who are new to our platform, FundsIndia’s ‘Select Funds’ is a list of investment worthy funds. Spread across various categories, this list helps you narrow down…Continue Reading