
Author Archive | Mutual Fund Research Desk

Our top ten blog posts of 2017: FundsIndia Marketplace

Mutual Fund Research Desk

‘The perfect strategy works every time; until you start using it.’ Isn’t that how it is with your investments often? What seems to be the best fund, stops being one…Continue Reading


2017 – When mixing strategies paid off for our Select Funds

Mutual Fund Research Desk

After a frustrating 2016, the markets threw caution to the wind in 2017 and lifted many stocks whose names were last heard in the pre-2008 rally. While mutual funds too…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Explains: Role of Inflation in Financial Planning

Mutual Fund Research Desk

If you have ever spoken to a financial advisor, they might have asked you about your financial goals. Thinking of your investments in terms of goals requires you to estimate…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: Contingency fund and its importance

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Your EMI is well within your capacity, you have no difficulty in meeting recurring expenses, and you even have a monthly surplus that you’re investing. Isn’t that a great position…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Explains: What is an STP?

Mutual Fund Research Desk

As the market touches new heights every week, people are rushing to put their money into mutual funds. It is important to sound a note of caution here. If you…Continue Reading


All you wanted to know about ELSS funds

Mutual Fund Research Desk

You have a choice of several investments under the Section 80 C’s capacious umbrella, in order to cut tax payments. Among these is ELSS, or equity-linked savings schemes. Here’s all…Continue Reading


Stay Invested During Downturns for Bigger Gains

Mutual Fund Research Desk

When markets are doing well, it not only attracts new investors but also motivates exiting investors to stay invested. But stock markets do not move upward always. What happens when…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: What are absolute returns

Mutual Fund Research Desk

“My investment in that Bombay house grew to Rs.85 lakhs from when I bought it back in 2000 for just Rs.25 lakhs. My investment has tripled!” That’s a declaration that…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: what to do when your scheme merges

Mutual Fund Research Desk

In the wake of SEBI’s recent proposal to categorise mutual funds and rationalise the number of funds there are, scheme mergers are inevitable. So what happens when a scheme you…Continue Reading


Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds list

Mutual Fund Research Desk

With SEBI’s recent circular on fund categorization (read about it here), we are happy to let you know that at FundsIndia’s research, we have followed a structured methodology to categorise…Continue Reading