
Tags: index funds

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FundsIndia Views: Do actively managed funds underperform benchmarks?

Gourav Kumar

Over the last couple of years, there has been a lot of talk about index funds. Some are convinced that index funds are better than actively managed funds. Some say…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: Index funds and ETFs

Mutual Fund Research Desk

What’s the difference between HDFC Nifty ETF and HDFC Index Nifty? Well, the first is an ETF and the second is a mutual fund. They both have the same purpose…Continue Reading

Why passive investing is not random in India

Nilakantan Rajaraman

The Mathematician George Spencer-Brown, in his book, ‘Probability and Scientific Inference’, tells us something remarkable. In a random series of 101000007 zeroes and ones, there are likely to be 10…Continue Reading


Index Funds: A Good Option in India? – An Investor Enquiry

FundsIndia Desk‘s financial advisory service is much sought after across investors in India and abroad for three important reasons – unbiased solutions to investor queries, a personalized approach with every individual…Continue Reading