
Category: Research Desk


FundsIndia Views: 2017 – Outlook and strategy

Vidya Bala

If the below data has weakened your faith and interest in equity, then it could be a good thing! ‘The safest and most potentially profitable thing is to buy something…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Views: The equity lessons in 2016

Bhavana Acharya

The close of 2016 seems to be echoing the start of 2016, with the stock markets on a downward slide. Sandwiched between these two declining phases was a period of…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Strategies: The higher-returning FD alternative

Bhavana Acharya

For those of you setting store by bank fixed deposits, the move to demonetise the Rs 500 and Rs 1000 notes is a wake-up call. Flush with over Rs 8…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: Make the best of an India, US reset

Vidya Bala

The US elections are over, and world markets simply seemed to signal that it’s no big deal, at least for now. What remained a bigger deal at the end of…Continue Reading


FundsIndia views: Ultra short-term funds – what they are and when to use

Vidya Bala

Many of you may be familiar with liquid funds. You may either be parking your surplus in them or using them for systematic transfer into equity funds. Another category of…Continue Reading


FundsIndia Strategies: How to play the debt fund space

Vidya Bala

With the interest rates of bank Fixed Deposits (FDs) moving south, we have seen increased interest in debt funds. If you have made a switch from FDs to debt funds…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: How to invest in a falling market

Vidya Bala

In what seems to be an ongoing bout of global risk aversion following the yuan’s devaluation, equities and emerging market currencies have seen a significant correction. While one can argue…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: Lump sum or SIP?

Vidya Bala

You have a lump sum in hand and you wish to invest in equity funds. However, you have heard a lot of talk about investing in equity funds through Systematic…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: Why a low volatile strategy wins

Vidya Bala

When many of you come with your own choice of funds – be it sector funds, or aggressive top charters in the equity space, we often tell you that we…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies: The Equity Fund Playbook for Rookie Investors

Vidya Bala

If you are among the many FundsIndia investors who have started investing in mutual funds in recent months, here’s a ‘Playbook’ for all of you. It is simply about how…Continue Reading