
Category: Research Desk


Why SEBI needs to strengthen rules to protect investors in debt mutual funds

Vidya Bala

Recently, a journalist asked me whether retail investors need to be more careful with their debt mutual funds, in the context of the recent credit risk issues. My reply was, ‘Can they, really?’…Continue Reading

FundsIndia explains: Downgrade, default, and write-offs in debt funds

Bhavana Acharya

Last week, several debt funds dropped significantly on a 1-day basis, because of write-offs due to default. Then there were write-backs in some funds. What’s going on? What happens when there…Continue Reading

Post-election Rally

Ashwini Arulrajhan

The much-awaited election outcome gave a positive push to the markets. After moving in a narrow range from November 2018, markets started building in a victory for the existing government…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Strategies – Post election moves

Mutual Fund Research Desk

Concerns over election outcomes have gripped stock markets from November last year. With the outcome now pointing to a clear single-party majority for the ruling BJP, it puts to rest…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Reviews: NFO of DSP Quant Fund

Mutual Fund Research Desk

An NFO that’s currently open is DSP Quant, a differentiated offering from DSP fund house. DSP Quant is an equity fund that will pick stocks based on quantitative models. In…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Views: What is bad news and when to sell your fund

Vidya Bala

The recent spate of negative news in the debt space, with the downgrading of debt papers of some banks and NBFCs, may have caused you to panic. What’s more, for…Continue Reading

Where have FIIs been buying?

Ashwini Arulrajhan

In 2018, Foreign portfolio investors (FIIs) took to selling in 9 out of the 12 calendar months. At the same time, domestic institutional investors (DIIs) pumped money into the market…Continue Reading

Stock Markt Rally of 2019 Explained

The 2019 stock market rally explained

Vignesh  Sayeesundar

Investors were in for a reality check post a dream run of 2017, with most stocks falling sharply through 2018. But since February this year, markets took a turn upwards.…Continue Reading

One Year of Re-Categorisation: Looking back

Ashwini Arulrajhan

Last year around this time, SEBI had come out with standardised categories for funds to follow. That meant existing funds also had to fit into one of the categories. With…Continue Reading

Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds List

Mutual Fund Research Desk

It has been a year since the SEBI-mandated categorization exercise first began. The dust from the changes made by AMCs has since settled and there is more clarity now on…Continue Reading