
Category: Personal Finance

Tips and suggestions on managing your finances and investments better

An SUV driving through water, near mountains

YOLO – the ‘cool’ phrase that may be ruining your financial health

Akash Kapur

YOLO – You Only Live Once. Those who were born in the nineties would have come across this phrase at least once in their lives. That is if they’re not…Continue Reading

UTI Banking and PSU Debt fund has clocked 1 and 3-year returns of 9.1% and 9.4%, respectively - higher than the category average of 8.6% and 8.9%

FundsIndia Recommends: UTI Banking and PSU Debt Fund

Vidya Bala

Short on time? Listen to a brief overview of this week’s review. [soundcloud url=”″ params=”color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false” width=”100%” height=”166″ iframe=”true” /] Open a FREE Account Now! If your fixed deposits are maturing…Continue Reading

A trekker’s guide to fruitful investing

Srilekha Veena Sankaran

If there’s one thing all trekkers have in common, it’s their love for adventure, the adrenaline rush, and sense of fulfillment that every trek offers.  Recently, I’d embarked on a…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: Parag Parikh Long Term Value Fund

Bhavana Acharya

When we reviewed Parag Parikh Long Term Value last year, the fund had just crossed the 3-year milestone. In our review for the quarter ending June 2017, we included the…Continue Reading

6 Point Checklist for Financial Security

Shweta Nichani

Happiness is “Salary of INR xx,xxx credited to a/c xxxxXXXXxxxx”. You’re either jumping with joy because it’s time to party or (and I suspect this is the case most of…Continue Reading

Preparing for death: Key financial decisions to protect your loved ones in case of your demise

Akash Kapur

“The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain While some of you may…Continue Reading


Changes to FundsIndia’s Select Funds list

Mutual Fund Research Desk

FundsIndia’s Select Funds is a list of consistent-performing funds that you can invest in today. Spread across categories, this list helps narrow down investment choices from the hundreds of funds…Continue Reading

Are these mistakes coming in the way of your first million?

Shweta Nichani

Ka-ching! Ka-ching! Ka-ching! You are  now the proud owner a million rupees! Do you want a seven figure financial balance? It’s not as hard as you think. All you’ve got…Continue Reading

am i earning enough?

Are you earning enough?

Aparna Hari

Indians are competitive, and honestly, we can’t be blamed for it. Right from the time we’re young, our parents compared us with the neighbour’s children to see if we are…Continue Reading

FundsIndia Recommends: Birla SL Floating Rate Fund – Long Term Plan

Bhavana Acharya

Ultra short-term funds are useful vehicles to park money you need a few months down the line, to add to your emergency corpus, or to set up systematic withdrawals post…Continue Reading