
Tags: framework

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Should you invest in an NFO? Here is a Framework that will help you decide

Jiral Mehta

This article was originally published in Livemint. Click here to read it Nowadays, there are new mutual fund launches almost every day! Thanks to the bull market and increasing equity market participation, in the…Continue Reading

Here is everything that you need to know about Arbitrage Funds

Jiral Mehta

What are Arbitrage Funds? Arbitrage Funds are Debt Oriented Hybrid Funds which invest in a mix of Arbitrage and Debt/FDs. They usually have 65-75% of their portfolio in ‘Arbitrage’ investments…Continue Reading

House Hunting – The Art of Choosing Between Renting and Buying

Jiral Mehta

This article was originally published in mint genie. Click here to read it Imagine the excitement and happiness that comes from buying your first home. For most of us it’s a big…Continue Reading

Take charge of your money with this quick and simple framework

Jiral Mehta

This article was originally published in mint genie. Click here to read it. When it comes to financial decisions we are often hesitant to take charge. While we all know…Continue Reading