
The Happy Investing Contest is here!

December 30, 2014 . FundsIndia Desk


“Know what you own and know why you own it.”

Investment greats believe this mantra to be one of the most important foundations of investment success.

This New Year, we’d like you to think about what drives you to invest. In not more than 100 words, tell us – “Why do you invest?” You could talk about your inspiration to invest, what keeps you motivated, your investment goals, and everything about why you keep investing.

In return, you could take home an exciting gift hamper exclusively from FundsIndia.

Happy New Year and happy investing!

Terms and conditions:

• Entries must be submitted as comments on this blog post. Any other mode of sharing answers (emails, chat, etc.) will not be considered for evaluation.
• Only those entries that adhere to the word limit (100 words or less) will qualify for the contest.
• The contest will close on January 5 at 11:59 PM.
• Entries will be evaluated by a panel constituting FundsIndia’s in-house investment experts. The judges’ decision will be final.
• Only one entry per participant will be accepted. In the event that a participant posts multiple entries, his / her first entry will be considered for evaluation.
• This competition is only open to persons who are resident in India.
• Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. reserves the right to disqualify any entrant if it has reasonable grounds to believe that an entrant has breached any of the rules, any applicable law (including copyright law), or has otherwise infringed the intellectual property of any other person.
• The gift hamper is non-transferable and there is no cash alternative.
• Employees of Wealth India Financial Services Pvt. Ltd. are not eligible to participate in this competition.

108 thoughts on “The Happy Investing Contest is here!

  1. Hello,
    Investment for me is like joy of creation..creation of wealth.Its one of the basic need like food cloths & shelter.As you sow seed in fertile ground to grow more grains,you need to do same for wealth.Indentify fertile instrument like Mutual fund SIP and stay on course.My goal of investment is to beat inflation and keep my family wealthy and healthy.

  2. Following are the reasons to invest:
    1) Investing gives everyone a secured future with regular saving habit.
    2) Money can be withdrawn any time thereby providing us with liquidity.
    3) Though market is unstable, on a longer run, it tends to appreciate. So it cultivates the habit of long term savings with guaranteed returns beating inflation.
    4) Being a bachelor, it helps me save money for future rather than spending it on unnecessary items.
    5) It helps one fulfill their goals by multiple options available to invest based on requirements.

  3. I invest to lead a contended and independent retirement life. Learning how to invest prudently for future is not all about money. In real time, investment teaches many important life-changing concepts such as delayed gratification (Instant craving is biggest enemy to person’s health and wealth), compounding (compounding in knowledge happens in same way as compounding in investment), power of a regular habit (Regular investment like SIP teaches how powerful a regular habit can become few years down the lane), Law of farm (you can’t sow today and reap something tomorrow) etc.

  4. Financial awareness happened only after the sword of EMI appeared. Debt spooked me and little did I know of the lost opportunity for early investment. Trying to recover lost ground, ventured into trading and as Murphy would have it – year was 2008 and with ‘stock tips’ completely burnt my fingers. Took a break and re-assessed that short-term gratification was never the answer. Then Fundsindia dawned, giving perfect foundation for my investment journey – one that is not only long, challenging, educative and humbling but also one that unravels the self in a way – one step at a time.

  5. I invest my money to fulfill my goal in life which is to become rich. I invested a lumpsum amount in mutual funds and got very good returns on it, which has motivated me to invest more money in mutual funds.

  6. Investment is a very good hobby because we invest for many reasons. Main reasons are as follows :
    1. To beat inflation
    2. For better retirement
    3. For child’s education
    3. For Child’s marriage
    4. For other income source
    5. For future requirement
    6. For better living standard
    7. For buying a house

    There are so many reasons for investment and I feel investment in Mutual fund is the safest way for investment because there are variety of products available in the market and one can choose plan as per his/her risk capability… More risk more profits….

    Happy investing

  7. “Investment helps me to achieve my financial Goals. Sow a seed, water it regularly and take care till it grows to mammoth tree then it will take care of you for many years giving multiple benefits. I would correlate this to investing regularly, patiently following and continuing the process, let the magic of compounding works for you and passing a legacy of wealth to next generations”

  8. I iwsh many of you would become Lakhpathi and crorepathis in this year 2015, while stock markets see some correction and recovering we are yet to see its clear direction

    1) investment in IPO
    One of the quickest way to grow your money
    2) Investment in Stocks
    Stock markets are reaching a peak
    3) Investment in Mutual Funds
    One of the best way to grow you money and create wealth by any one
    4) Non Convertible Debentures
    one of the high return fixed income investment option are NCD’s
    5) Bank Fixed Deposits
    Bank are Reducing interest rate in the recent months
    6) Fixed Deposite
    Investors want to invest high returen FD

  9. Investment is like a saving our valuable work in a right place. I believe to for future because its make my life secure,so whenever you think to save money please invest it at right company such as fundsindia.

  10. With a fantastic advisory, great support and such a kewl platform from FundsIndia which caters the needs of the investor suiting to specific interest. Before fundsindia investing into mutual funds by filling form and again and again cancelled cheque for new funds made my experience worst. But fundsindia is a savyplatform one should look for a complete hassel free service which really motivates me and offcourse the mailer’s from fundsindia they are so realistic helping one to think about the future and their planning. Stunned by the platform and experience. Mailers really motivate investors and Thanks for making me habitual for good thing good savings. Thanks

  11. One of the most compelling reasons to invest is the prospect of not having to work your entire life. By investing our money, we are getting our money to generate more money by earning interest on what we put away or by buying and selling assets that increase in value.the objective is: to make investments that will generate more cash for us in the future. As they say, “Money isn’t everything, but happiness alone can’t keep out the rain.”

  12. everone invest for their securing their future , i also because for a middle class family investment is very impotant for their children’s marriage and for other important things and
    nobody helps you financially except ur investment

  13. Because I want to earn inflation adjusted returns. I want to lead a peaceful and prosperous retirement life. I want to fulfill my responsibilities/commitments.

  14. Financial awareness happened only after the sword of EMI appeared. Debt spooked me and little did I know of the lost opportunity for early investment. Trying to recover lost ground, ventured into trading and as Murphy would have it – year was 2008 and with ‘stock tips’ completely burnt my fingers. Took a break and re-assessed that short-term gratification was never the answer. Then Fundsindia dawned, giving perfect foundation for my investment journey – one that is not only long, challenging, educative and humbling but also one that unravels the self in a way – one step at a time.

  15. It isn’t wise to rely on others for your welfare. It makes sense to build your own nest egg while you can and take care of your own financial health. As one woman in Israel said: “I like to mentor younger women and I explain why it is so important for them to have their own job. Don’t rely on other people. No one! You need to build yourself up while you can. It doesn’t matter what you do for work, you should be able to control your life and take care of yourself.”

  16. Invested money does the work for me by means of compounding and keeps my wealth ahead of inflation thereby securing my family’s financial future and also contributing towards nation building

  17. Investing helps to keep the saving secured and organised and at the same time helps to earn income in the way of dividend, interest, pension, rent and capital appreciation depend on the type of investment

  18. Old is gold. There is difinte increase in NAV of any company for long term. So todays money invested is tommarrow’s gold.

  19. Future is unknown. Investing is like securing that unknoin by means of wealth creation. Some invest just to save tax under 80c. Some start investing because someone else is investing. Some plan and invest. Some invest because they dont want to loose opportunity in wealth generation. As people become rich their investent also uultimately its all about wealth creation.

  20. I invest because while I work for money, I want my money to work for me. Ultimate objective is to beat the inflation so when I need the money to fulfill my goals I don’t need to compromise. It also teaches us that nothing in life is linear, do your bit and everything else will fall into place ultimately. It helps to keep my mind alert & emotions in check.

  21. saving is passion and saving is not means to save only but it is vital both for individual as well for nation.
    i save to avoid unnecessary expenses as well to have funds for rainy days also to meet my future goals or expenditure.on other way my saving also contribute to nations;s progress as these savings are deployed in various sectors to create jobs wealth and gdp which ultimately increase my wealth in other way

  22. I have learnt from my parents to invest for future. From my childhood days I have seen them investing. and whenever we needed money whether for our education or marriage they found it very convenient to take the help of their investments. Today they are living retired life but due to habit of inveting they are living a happy life. I started investing the day I got my first salary. I got the help of my invested money when I was to buy my home. This inspired me to invest more for future. As I recieved a good amount due to compunding. Now I invest for my goals like my children’s education, my retirement. I am sure I would also reap good benefits out of my investments.

  23. I invest because inflation is higher than bank interest rate.My fund should grow more than inflation+bank interest rates.

  24. I started investing to make provision for future uncertainties and also to achive future goal in life. Investment able to build us saving habit and at the same time it gives our wealth apreciation which can beat inflation. It also helps me to get more knowledge and keeps me upto date the happening in the economy.

  25. Many people wonder: why invest? But I do not! Well, my reasons for investments are very clear and simple. Investing or investment makes me to prepare for my future. Nobody wants to work their entire life. Investing is one good option that I can secure my future. Well, I can earn money in two ways by working or by having my assets work for me. One of the main reasons to invest is that if I keep my money with myself instead of investing it, my money doesn’t work for me. I will only have the money that I have saved. I can invest my money and generate more money by earning interest on what I have put away or by buying and selling assets that increase in value.

  26. There are many milestones in each and everyone’s life; Education, Wedding, Children, Own House, Retirement to name a few. To achieve/ enjoy these milestones, one has to be disciplined in life and work towards creating a corpus for each of them. I am someone who enjoys having structure in life and milestones like these inspire me to invest money. Investing also gives me confidence to enjoy the present as I feel prepared for any surprises that life might throw. Finally investing has taught me virtues like Discipline, Patience, Humility, Responsibility and Independence which I will cherish for a lifetime!

  27. I invest & keep invested to stay safe & secure and beat the odds of inflation.
    The money I invest is used by the Govt for various developmental activity & in return, I get good ROI.
    I can create Wealth by investing.
    I can cut down on unnecessary expenses.
    I can decide my Corpus.

  28. Investment means ‘Prevention is better than cure ‘ Investment is the one of the most important thing in the world to live a happy life. There are different types of investment e.g. wedding,education,retirement all of them is only used by the people to protect ourself for future life.Because no one should no what happen in future.So investment is one of the good way to avoid the risk in our future life. At last Investment made mind free of man from the death fear from the words of ‘What happen to my family after my death or illness’.

  29. 1) I cannot be sure of job and my plans so if i invest it will be helpful in my future.
    2) Economic Plans Will Be Perfect If I Invest.
    3) If I Invest My Future Will Be Awesome
    4) investment makes me money and i can sustain when in budget goes high

  30. Whether you dream about buying a new house, new car or saving for the trip of a lifetime, this is your motivation to invest. Lots of people aren’t driven by a need to simply make money for the sake of making money. Investing feels a lot more rewarding when you have a personal goal in mind, and you can make things happen above and beyond what is available to you with a single paycheque. 🙂 According to a social entrepreneur I spoke with, “investing gives me the ability to vote with my money, to enable what I believe in.”

  31. I invest because i Focus and get control of my life
    If you don’t start thinking about money when you’re young, it’s easy to get trapped into living beyond your means. Everyone needs to understand their financial situation in order to decide how much to spend, how much to save and how much to invest. Be deliberate about your priorities. Whether your goal is to send your kids to college or to retire on a yacht in the Mediterranean, investing is essential to getting you where you want to be.

    An investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price. So I invest for the following reasons:-
    1. To secure my future.
    2. To counter inflation.
    3. To persue goals of my life.
    4. To meet any financial emergency.
    5. The compelling reasons for me to invest is the prospect of not having to work entire life! Bottom line, there are only two ways to make money: by working and/or by having my assets work for me.

  33. Investment will protect our life from our expenses because education,marriage,house,medical etc are all our unavoid expense. So investment is one of the best way to protect from the problem.If we start to invest it increase our standard of living before society.All of them want to well planned about her future in the way of investment.

  34. When you work so hard both day and night all through the year, the least you expect from your hard earned money is that it should sit ideal and not multiply further. Best way to make maximum gains is to invest looking at a fixed horizon and timeline on what we want to achieve and then select the schemes such as Mutual Fund, Stock market or other investment options such as Fixed Deposits, etc. One should check and balance the risk factor with the rate of return for each option carefully before deciding and investing in and avoid withdrawing prematurely.

  35. Investment is essential to fulfil the following requirements:-
    1. to achieve the financial goal
    2. to secure future
    3. for child’s education
    4. for children’s marriage
    5. for better lifestyle
    6. to maintain standard of living
    7. to reduce tension
    8. for better health
    9. for family’s security
    10. to beat the inflation
    11. to get higher returns
    12. to fulfill your dreams
    13. to add some more years in your life
    14. to grow the habit of savings
    15. for financial awareness
    16. to lead a happy and contented life….:)

  36. I prefer investment as my savings that returns to me with infinite dividends and profits and not as fixed interests. The positive mood of the market also sometimes inspires me to invest.

  37. Investment for me is my hobby as well as wealth creation. It helps me to make my money work for me. My investment will be helpful to me when I am in need and it will make my life more easy.

  38. I invest so that me and my family never feels insecure about future specially in event of crisis like health issues, accidents, etc. and there is always money available to take care of emergencies as well as enjoy life an’d little luxuries like taking my family for yearly holidays, spending on them, my kids education and entertainment. I also want to build a home and comfort nest of investment for my family to fall back on in case i am not around or in case of any crisis. Investment for me is like Insurance for current and future happiness of my family.

  39. Failing to plan is planning to fail is literally true for Finance. Building wealth starts with beating inflation first. I invest for my and my family’s financial needs in near and far future. Hence my goal is to invest with discipline, with goal and with purpose!

  40. Like every rational human being I too have some financial goals. I have segregated these financial goals into ‘Discretionary’ and ‘Non-Discretionary’. The latter is what I must fulfil. To achieve the targeted amount I invest and not just merely save. By “investing” what I mean is that I try and achieve a real return. Now, depending on the time horizon of each of my financial goals, I select a combination of different assets classes to make different portfolios. This is why investing is important for me.

  41. Money attracts money, it multiplies when invested, so thats what keeps me motivated to invest and grow a valuable tree of my money. In today’s scenrio where there are less risky mutual funds and bank deposits, I as a common man can divert my funds into any mode maintaining a balance between high risk and zero risk. My investment goal mainly focuses on low risky stocks as I am a very conservative player. HAPPY NEW YEAR

  42. I Invest bcz i believe “You Reap , What You Sow ” and My desire to explore new things n learnings push me to invest in new way with every new day.

  43. I invest to secure the financial future for me and my loved ones.

    Equity mutual funds are great investment vehicles for long term wealth creation. Yes, equities are volatile in short term; but create unmatched value over long term. For instance, you are equally likely to make or lose money with a one year horizon. Extend that to three years, and 2 out of 3 times you would make money. Now, think 10 years, and you would almost certainly make money on equities.

    Our financial needs – retirement, children’s education – are long term. Why shouldn’t the investment outlook be long term?

  44. Investing for me is to achieve all my financial goals in my life like securing the child’s future, buying a new house, new car and for self retirement, the reasons for investments are very clear and simple, it makes me prepare for my future, this keeps me motivating to keep investing. Here we should know that money you invest in an financial asset should work for you to beat the inflation and lead a comfortable life in the future.

  45. My primary objective for investing is to generate the additional income stream apart from monthly salary due to negligible job security in the IT industry. Apart from this, another reason will be beating inflation with high returns by investing in stocks and diversified equity mutual funds through SIP and VIP modes. In addition to the above, investments are made for tax saving purposes.

  46. I am investing because I want to meet my future financial goals .
    I am investing because its the next step after saving.
    I am investing because I wanted to grow my money with very high safety and security.
    I am investing because I wanted to educate myself financially.
    I am investing because i have FundsIndia with me to take care of my investments.

    Thanks and Regards,

  47. “I want my money to work for me, and not work for money my whole life!”
    I invest for a planned and better future. It helps me to keep my expenditures in limit and also gives me a assurance that I won’t have to work all my life. The thrill of being a part of the ups and downs of the market also excites me while the Income tax returns adds to the happiness. Also by investing in Crowd Funding projects I love to be a part of a innovative idea and it’s success.

  48. I invest to lead a contended and independent retirement life. Learning how to invest prudently for future is not all about money. In real time, investment teaches many important life-changing concepts such as delayed gratification (Instant craving is biggest enemy to person’s health and wealth), compounding (compounding in knowledge happens in same way as compounding in investment), power of a regular habit (Regular investment like SIP teaches how powerful a regular habit can become few years down the lane), Law of farm (you can’t sow today and reap something tomorrow) etc.

  49. Following are the reasons to invest:
    1) Investing gives everyone a secured future with regular saving habit.
    2) Money can be withdrawn any time thereby providing us with liquidity.
    3) Though market is unstable, on a longer run, it tends to appreciate. So it cultivates the habit of long term savings with guaranteed returns beating inflation.
    4) Being a bachelor, it helps me save money for future rather than spending it on unnecessary items.
    5) It helps one fulfill their goals by multiple options available to invest based on requirements.

  50. Financial awareness happened only after the sword of EMI appeared. Debt spooked me and little did I know of the lost opportunity for early investment. Trying to recover lost ground, ventured into trading and as Murphy would have it – year was 2008 and with ‘stock tips’ completely burnt my fingers. Took a break and re-assessed that short-term gratification was never the answer. Then Fundsindia dawned, giving perfect foundation for my investment journey – one that is not only long, challenging, educative and humbling but also one that unravels the self in a way – one step at a time.

  51. Hello,
    Investment for me is like joy of creation..creation of wealth.Its one of the basic need like food cloths & shelter.As you sow seed in fertile ground to grow more grains,you need to do same for wealth.Indentify fertile instrument like Mutual fund SIP and stay on course.My goal of investment is to beat inflation and keep my family wealthy and healthy.

  52. Because I want to earn inflation adjusted returns. I want to lead a peaceful and prosperous retirement life. I want to fulfill my responsibilities/commitments.

  53. One of the most compelling reasons to invest is the prospect of not having to work your entire life. By investing our money, we are getting our money to generate more money by earning interest on what we put away or by buying and selling assets that increase in value.the objective is: to make investments that will generate more cash for us in the future. As they say, “Money isn’t everything, but happiness alone can’t keep out the rain.”

  54. Investment is like a saving our valuable work in a right place. I believe to for future because its make my life secure,so whenever you think to save money please invest it at right company such as fundsindia.

  55. “Investment helps me to achieve my financial Goals. Sow a seed, water it regularly and take care till it grows to mammoth tree then it will take care of you for many years giving multiple benefits. I would correlate this to investing regularly, patiently following and continuing the process, let the magic of compounding works for you and passing a legacy of wealth to next generations”

  56. I invest my money to fulfill my goal in life which is to become rich. I invested a lumpsum amount in mutual funds and got very good returns on it, which has motivated me to invest more money in mutual funds.

  57. Invested money does the work for me by means of compounding and keeps my wealth ahead of inflation thereby securing my family’s financial future and also contributing towards nation building

  58. It isn’t wise to rely on others for your welfare. It makes sense to build your own nest egg while you can and take care of your own financial health. As one woman in Israel said: “I like to mentor younger women and I explain why it is so important for them to have their own job. Don’t rely on other people. No one! You need to build yourself up while you can. It doesn’t matter what you do for work, you should be able to control your life and take care of yourself.”

  59. saving is passion and saving is not means to save only but it is vital both for individual as well for nation.
    i save to avoid unnecessary expenses as well to have funds for rainy days also to meet my future goals or expenditure.on other way my saving also contribute to nations;s progress as these savings are deployed in various sectors to create jobs wealth and gdp which ultimately increase my wealth in other way

  60. Financial awareness happened only after the sword of EMI appeared. Debt spooked me and little did I know of the lost opportunity for early investment. Trying to recover lost ground, ventured into trading and as Murphy would have it – year was 2008 and with ‘stock tips’ completely burnt my fingers. Took a break and re-assessed that short-term gratification was never the answer. Then Fundsindia dawned, giving perfect foundation for my investment journey – one that is not only long, challenging, educative and humbling but also one that unravels the self in a way – one step at a time.

  61. I iwsh many of you would become Lakhpathi and crorepathis in this year 2015, while stock markets see some correction and recovering we are yet to see its clear direction

    1) investment in IPO
    One of the quickest way to grow your money
    2) Investment in Stocks
    Stock markets are reaching a peak
    3) Investment in Mutual Funds
    One of the best way to grow you money and create wealth by any one
    4) Non Convertible Debentures
    one of the high return fixed income investment option are NCD’s
    5) Bank Fixed Deposits
    Bank are Reducing interest rate in the recent months
    6) Fixed Deposite
    Investors want to invest high returen FD

  62. everone invest for their securing their future , i also because for a middle class family investment is very impotant for their children’s marriage and for other important things and
    nobody helps you financially except ur investment

  63. Investment is a very good hobby because we invest for many reasons. Main reasons are as follows :
    1. To beat inflation
    2. For better retirement
    3. For child’s education
    3. For Child’s marriage
    4. For other income source
    5. For future requirement
    6. For better living standard
    7. For buying a house

    There are so many reasons for investment and I feel investment in Mutual fund is the safest way for investment because there are variety of products available in the market and one can choose plan as per his/her risk capability… More risk more profits….

    Happy investing

  64. With a fantastic advisory, great support and such a kewl platform from FundsIndia which caters the needs of the investor suiting to specific interest. Before fundsindia investing into mutual funds by filling form and again and again cancelled cheque for new funds made my experience worst. But fundsindia is a savyplatform one should look for a complete hassel free service which really motivates me and offcourse the mailer’s from fundsindia they are so realistic helping one to think about the future and their planning. Stunned by the platform and experience. Mailers really motivate investors and Thanks for making me habitual for good thing good savings. Thanks

  65. Sweet and Short: To have a secure, wealthy and relax present as well as future.

  66. Investing helps to keep the saving secured and organised and at the same time helps to earn income in the way of dividend, interest, pension, rent and capital appreciation depend on the type of investment

  67. Old is gold. There is difinte increase in NAV of any company for long term. So todays money invested is tommarrow’s gold.

  68. I invest because inflation is higher than bank interest rate.My fund should grow more than inflation+bank interest rates.

  69. Future is unknown. Investing is like securing that unknoin by means of wealth creation. Some invest just to save tax under 80c. Some start investing because someone else is investing. Some plan and invest. Some invest because they dont want to loose opportunity in wealth generation. As people become rich their investent also uultimately its all about wealth creation.

  70. I have learnt from my parents to invest for future. From my childhood days I have seen them investing. and whenever we needed money whether for our education or marriage they found it very convenient to take the help of their investments. Today they are living retired life but due to habit of inveting they are living a happy life. I started investing the day I got my first salary. I got the help of my invested money when I was to buy my home. This inspired me to invest more for future. As I recieved a good amount due to compunding. Now I invest for my goals like my children’s education, my retirement. I am sure I would also reap good benefits out of my investments.

  71. I invest because while I work for money, I want my money to work for me. Ultimate objective is to beat the inflation so when I need the money to fulfill my goals I don’t need to compromise. It also teaches us that nothing in life is linear, do your bit and everything else will fall into place ultimately. It helps to keep my mind alert & emotions in check.

  72. There are many milestones in each and everyone’s life; Education, Wedding, Children, Own House, Retirement to name a few. To achieve/ enjoy these milestones, one has to be disciplined in life and work towards creating a corpus for each of them. I am someone who enjoys having structure in life and milestones like these inspire me to invest money. Investing also gives me confidence to enjoy the present as I feel prepared for any surprises that life might throw. Finally investing has taught me virtues like Discipline, Patience, Humility, Responsibility and Independence which I will cherish for a lifetime!

  73. Many people wonder: why invest? But I do not! Well, my reasons for investments are very clear and simple. Investing or investment makes me to prepare for my future. Nobody wants to work their entire life. Investing is one good option that I can secure my future. Well, I can earn money in two ways by working or by having my assets work for me. One of the main reasons to invest is that if I keep my money with myself instead of investing it, my money doesn’t work for me. I will only have the money that I have saved. I can invest my money and generate more money by earning interest on what I have put away or by buying and selling assets that increase in value.

  74. I started investing to make provision for future uncertainties and also to achive future goal in life. Investment able to build us saving habit and at the same time it gives our wealth apreciation which can beat inflation. It also helps me to get more knowledge and keeps me upto date the happening in the economy.

  75. Investment means ‘Prevention is better than cure ‘ Investment is the one of the most important thing in the world to live a happy life. There are different types of investment e.g. wedding,education,retirement all of them is only used by the people to protect ourself for future life.Because no one should no what happen in future.So investment is one of the good way to avoid the risk in our future life. At last Investment made mind free of man from the death fear from the words of ‘What happen to my family after my death or illness’.

  76. I invest & keep invested to stay safe & secure and beat the odds of inflation.
    The money I invest is used by the Govt for various developmental activity & in return, I get good ROI.
    I can create Wealth by investing.
    I can cut down on unnecessary expenses.
    I can decide my Corpus.

  77. I invest because i Focus and get control of my life
    If you don’t start thinking about money when you’re young, it’s easy to get trapped into living beyond your means. Everyone needs to understand their financial situation in order to decide how much to spend, how much to save and how much to invest. Be deliberate about your priorities. Whether your goal is to send your kids to college or to retire on a yacht in the Mediterranean, investing is essential to getting you where you want to be.

  78. Investment will protect our life from our expenses because education,marriage,house,medical etc are all our unavoid expense. So investment is one of the best way to protect from the problem.If we start to invest it increase our standard of living before society.All of them want to well planned about her future in the way of investment.

    An investment is a monetary asset purchased with the idea that the asset will provide income in the future or appreciate and be sold at a higher price. So I invest for the following reasons:-
    1. To secure my future.
    2. To counter inflation.
    3. To persue goals of my life.
    4. To meet any financial emergency.
    5. The compelling reasons for me to invest is the prospect of not having to work entire life! Bottom line, there are only two ways to make money: by working and/or by having my assets work for me.

  80. Whether you dream about buying a new house, new car or saving for the trip of a lifetime, this is your motivation to invest. Lots of people aren’t driven by a need to simply make money for the sake of making money. Investing feels a lot more rewarding when you have a personal goal in mind, and you can make things happen above and beyond what is available to you with a single paycheque. 🙂 According to a social entrepreneur I spoke with, “investing gives me the ability to vote with my money, to enable what I believe in.”

  81. 1) I cannot be sure of job and my plans so if i invest it will be helpful in my future.
    2) Economic Plans Will Be Perfect If I Invest.
    3) If I Invest My Future Will Be Awesome
    4) investment makes me money and i can sustain when in budget goes high

  82. Investment is essential to fulfil the following requirements:-
    1. to achieve the financial goal
    2. to secure future
    3. for child’s education
    4. for children’s marriage
    5. for better lifestyle
    6. to maintain standard of living
    7. to reduce tension
    8. for better health
    9. for family’s security
    10. to beat the inflation
    11. to get higher returns
    12. to fulfill your dreams
    13. to add some more years in your life
    14. to grow the habit of savings
    15. for financial awareness
    16. to lead a happy and contented life….:)

  83. I prefer investment as my savings that returns to me with infinite dividends and profits and not as fixed interests. The positive mood of the market also sometimes inspires me to invest.

  84. Investment for me is my hobby as well as wealth creation. It helps me to make my money work for me. My investment will be helpful to me when I am in need and it will make my life more easy.

  85. Failing to plan is planning to fail is literally true for Finance. Building wealth starts with beating inflation first. I invest for my and my family’s financial needs in near and far future. Hence my goal is to invest with discipline, with goal and with purpose!

  86. Like every rational human being I too have some financial goals. I have segregated these financial goals into ‘Discretionary’ and ‘Non-Discretionary’. The latter is what I must fulfil. To achieve the targeted amount I invest and not just merely save. By “investing” what I mean is that I try and achieve a real return. Now, depending on the time horizon of each of my financial goals, I select a combination of different assets classes to make different portfolios. This is why investing is important for me.

  87. When you work so hard both day and night all through the year, the least you expect from your hard earned money is that it should sit ideal and not multiply further. Best way to make maximum gains is to invest looking at a fixed horizon and timeline on what we want to achieve and then select the schemes such as Mutual Fund, Stock market or other investment options such as Fixed Deposits, etc. One should check and balance the risk factor with the rate of return for each option carefully before deciding and investing in and avoid withdrawing prematurely.

  88. Money attracts money, it multiplies when invested, so thats what keeps me motivated to invest and grow a valuable tree of my money. In today’s scenrio where there are less risky mutual funds and bank deposits, I as a common man can divert my funds into any mode maintaining a balance between high risk and zero risk. My investment goal mainly focuses on low risky stocks as I am a very conservative player. HAPPY NEW YEAR

  89. I invest to secure the financial future for me and my loved ones.

    Equity mutual funds are great investment vehicles for long term wealth creation. Yes, equities are volatile in short term; but create unmatched value over long term. For instance, you are equally likely to make or lose money with a one year horizon. Extend that to three years, and 2 out of 3 times you would make money. Now, think 10 years, and you would almost certainly make money on equities.

    Our financial needs – retirement, children’s education – are long term. Why shouldn’t the investment outlook be long term?

  90. My primary objective for investing is to generate the additional income stream apart from monthly salary due to negligible job security in the IT industry. Apart from this, another reason will be beating inflation with high returns by investing in stocks and diversified equity mutual funds through SIP and VIP modes. In addition to the above, investments are made for tax saving purposes.

  91. I am investing because I want to meet my future financial goals .
    I am investing because its the next step after saving.
    I am investing because I wanted to grow my money with very high safety and security.
    I am investing because I wanted to educate myself financially.
    I am investing because i have FundsIndia with me to take care of my investments.

    Thanks and Regards,

  92. I Invest bcz i believe “You Reap , What You Sow ” and My desire to explore new things n learnings push me to invest in new way with every new day.

  93. “I want my money to work for me, and not work for money my whole life!”
    I invest for a planned and better future. It helps me to keep my expenditures in limit and also gives me a assurance that I won’t have to work all my life. The thrill of being a part of the ups and downs of the market also excites me while the Income tax returns adds to the happiness. Also by investing in Crowd Funding projects I love to be a part of a innovative idea and it’s success.

  94. I invest so that me and my family never feels insecure about future specially in event of crisis like health issues, accidents, etc. and there is always money available to take care of emergencies as well as enjoy life an’d little luxuries like taking my family for yearly holidays, spending on them, my kids education and entertainment. I also want to build a home and comfort nest of investment for my family to fall back on in case i am not around or in case of any crisis. Investment for me is like Insurance for current and future happiness of my family.

  95. Investing for me is to achieve all my financial goals in my life like securing the child’s future, buying a new house, new car and for self retirement, the reasons for investments are very clear and simple, it makes me prepare for my future, this keeps me motivating to keep investing. Here we should know that money you invest in an financial asset should work for you to beat the inflation and lead a comfortable life in the future.

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