
Tags: new year

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This time, next year – will your financial plan be any different?

Aparna Hari

Resolutions are passé, say some. Resolutions changed my life, believe a few. Resolutions are meant to be broken, smirk others. Whichever category you belong to, there are a few resolutions…Continue Reading

A New Year’s gift for you from FundsIndia

FundsIndia Desk

Hello! Happy New Year from all of us at FundsIndia! Here’s wishing you a phenomenal 2016, filled with love, happiness and prosperity. We’d like to help you make 2016 and…Continue Reading

Don’t make resolutions; make habits

Vidya Bala

‘Resolution’ – I don’t particularly savour the term. It gives me a sense of requiring some steely determination to do something forcibly, and often, it makes me feel like it…Continue Reading

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