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What Is Folio Number, Its Importance & How To Check

Investors Junction • February 6, 2025 • 5 min read
what is folio number

A folio number is a unique identification number assigned to every investor’s account when they invest in a mutual fund. It serves as a reference point for tracking and managing all investments within a specific mutual fund scheme. Understanding your folio number, its importance, and how to find it is crucial for effective portfolio management. This article explains what a folio number is, its benefits, and how investors can use it to manage their investments.

What is a Folio Number?

A folio number is a unique account number assigned by a mutual fund house (Asset Management Company – AMC) to an investor when they invest in a particular scheme. It’s the account number the mutual fund house uses to track your holdings within that specific fund. The folio number helps identify your transactions, portfolio, and records with the AMC.

Understanding Folio Numbers

The folio number is a key part of the mutual fund investment process. It’s specific to a particular mutual fund scheme, unlike a bank account number that tracks all your banking transactions. It simplifies portfolio tracking by consolidating all transactions related to that scheme under a single number.

Each folio number is associated with a specific holding of mutual fund units, including units purchased, their value, dividends received, and capital gains. This simplifies managing multiple transactions, as you might purchase units in the same scheme over time. All these transactions are recorded under the same folio number.

Investors can have multiple folio numbers: one for each different mutual fund scheme they invest in or even multiple folios within the same scheme if investing through different AMCs or platforms. This number provides easy access to all the details of your mutual fund account, allowing you to track and manage your investments effectively.

Where to Find Your Folio Number?

Your AMC will typically mention the folio number on your account statement, mutual fund certificate, or transaction confirmation emails. You can also find it by logging into the AMC’s online portal or mobile app. When you invest in a mutual fund, the AMC usually sends a confirmation with your folio number printed on it. If you can’t locate your folio number, contact the AMC’s customer support.

If you invested through a distributor or advisor, the folio number should be on the transaction document. It’s essential to keep a record of your folio number for future reference.

Why is the Folio Number Important?

Folio numbers are important for investors because they simplify tracking and managing mutual fund investments. They serve as a reference point for monitoring every transaction, holding, and performance of a specific scheme. You’ll need your folio number to access statements, make transactions, or receive dividends. It’s a vital tool for maintaining organized investment records, especially when investing in multiple schemes or funds.

How to Check Your Mutual Fund Status with a Folio Number?

You can check your mutual fund investment status using your folio number by visiting the AMC’s website or mobile app. Most AMCs have a dedicated investor login section where you can enter your folio number to access your account details. You can then view the current status of your investment, including the Net Asset Value (NAV), number of units, and scheme performance.

Benefits of a Mutual Fund Folio Number

Folio numbers offer several benefits to mutual fund investors:

  • Easy Portfolio Tracking: View your portfolio, monitor performance, and track NAV changes.
  • Simplified Transactions: Easily make purchases, redemptions, or switches within the same scheme.
  • Streamlined Documentation: Helps with tax documentation by providing proof of investment and simplifying capital gains/dividend income tracking.
  • Portfolio Diversification: Helps manage diversified portfolios by keeping each scheme’s investments separate.

Advantages of a Folio Number

Folio numbers offer several key advantages:

  • Easy Tracking: Simplifies tracking all your investments within a specific scheme.
  • Convenient Transactions: Facilitates easy transactions like purchases, redemptions, and switches.
  • Consolidated Statements: Allows for consolidated statements summarizing all transactions, dividends, capital gains, and unit balances.
  • Simplified Tax Reporting: Helps track capital gains and losses for tax purposes.
  • Prevents Duplicate Investments: Avoids creating multiple accounts for the same scheme.
  • Streamlined Customer Support: Facilitates faster customer support by providing easy access to your account information.


Understanding and managing your folio number is essential for smooth and organized mutual fund investment management. It’s an indispensable part of the investment process.


How do I find my folio number?

You can find your folio number on your mutual fund account statement or transaction receipt or by logging into AMC’s website or app.

Is the folio number the same as my account number?

Yes, in the context of mutual funds, the folio number serves as your account number for that specific scheme. It’s the number used to track your holdings and transactions within that fund.

What is a Folio Number in a Mutual Fund?

A folio number is a unique identification number assigned to your mutual fund account for a specific scheme. It allows the AMC to track all your transactions and holdings within that scheme.

Can I create multiple folios in a mutual fund?

Yes, you can have multiple folios if you invest in different schemes or through different AMCs. However, managing multiple folios can become complex, so it’s essential to stay organized.

Can I merge multiple folio numbers in mutual funds?

Yes, you can request that the AMC merge multiple folios under the same mutual fund scheme. This simplifies portfolio tracking and reduces paperwork.

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